Newburyport is a small coastal, scenic, and historic city in Essex County, Massachusetts, United States, 35 miles northeast of Boston. The population was 18,289 at the 2020 census. A historic seaport with a vibrant tourism industry, Newburyport includes part of Plum Island. The mooring, winter storage and maintenance of recreational boats, motor and sail, still contribute a large part of the city’s income.
At the edge of the Newbury Marshes, delineating Newburyport to the south, an industrial park provides a wide range of jobs.
Newburyport makes activities available for its residents, including a year-round ice skating rink and a beautiful waterfront and boardwalk. Many Newburyport residents love boating, fishing, swimming, and other water sports. The city’s picturesque downtown shopping district also makes it a great location to enjoy boutique shopping.
Type of government: mayor-council city
Homes For Sale in Newburyport
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